We will hold a General [Union] Membership Meeting on Thursday, November 14th from 5:00 to 7:00 in the Alumni Reading Room [3rd floor, Brooklyn Library].
The single topic for discussion will be: ‘Equity’ & ‘Parity’, in particular, for Part-Time Faculty…
What is meant by equity? What is meant by parity? How do we get there if at all?
Please bring your ideas and questions to this open-discussion, as this is a ‘global’ issue affecting faculty across higher-ed and the nation. Over his ten years as UFCT President, Kye Carbone has been working on issues of equity and parity: he will provide historical context for the next push for parity/equity, and make the case as to why this issue warrants every single UFCT bargaining unit member’s full-attention, whether you are full-time or part-time, tenured or non-tenured.
No need to RSVP: all dues-paying members are welcome.
Following the meeting, the UFCT will be hosting a Happy Hour(s)!! at the Brooklyn Public House (DeKalb, a few doors in from Vanderbilt…).